Effective Design Patterns for a Kafka Cluster

A guide to implement effective Kafka Clusters Design Strategies using Partitioning and Replication

Manoj Kukreja


Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

At the lowest denomination level may be created with a single broker instance. Using a Kafka Producer Data Stream can be sent in form of messages to the Kafka Broker. These messages stay on the Kafka Broker for a configurable period of time until a Kafka Consumer can retrieve and process them.

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Looks like a pretty simple design…but has a few drawbacks

What if the Kafka Broker is not able to keep up with the high traffic demands?

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The solution is simple, break your Kafka Topic into multiple Partitions, configure multiple Brokers and save each partition on a separate Broker. Therefore instead of one broker taking the entire load you now have many of them sharing the load. The question is how many partitions are optimal? For a successful Leader election by…



Manoj Kukreja
Manoj Kukreja

Written by Manoj Kukreja

Author, Big Data Engineering, Data Science, Data Lakes, Cloud Computing and IT security specialist.

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